
PAX East Report

I played my first public/convention game today. Despite having played D&D since I was in elementary school, I really was nervous about playing at a convention. I also wasn’t sure if i would be able to join a game easily as there are a LOT of people at PAX that want to play… Perhaps especially since WotC is running Encounters sessions. I took the advice of my wife and decided to try to play first thing today – perhaps Friday would be less crazy than Saturday? There was no lack of crazy, but I did secure an early line position and sat at a “catch up” table to play the first 5 sessions of the current season of Encounters. I played with a good bunch of guys and had a great time. Really… What was I nervous about? And it was heck of a way to play hooky from work. 😀

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bits, diy

Blast & Burst Template


Back in November when I played 4e for the first time with my college doggz, our DM had a couple of measured squares of cardboard that proved really useful in visualizing blast and burst ranges. These simple aids came in surprisingly handy and so I recreated them with PowerPoint.

You’ll find a single slide with blast 3, 4, and 5 square templates. I printed these onto a label sheet which I then stuck to a nice piece of stiff cardboard. A bit of X-ACTO work and voila… squares.

Download Blast & Burst Template for Microsoft PowerPoint (56 KB)